Network about educating Peer Support Workders

Project period:
Project workers from KBT Vocational College: Preben Hegland, Karl Johan Johansen and Yvonne Vornes

Partner organizations:

Nordic-Baltic Network with Support from Nordplus

In recent years, KBT Vocational College and several partner organizations have worked to establish a Nordic-Baltic network focused on the education and training of peer support workers. Over multiple phases, Nordplus has supported the development of such a network, which has gradually evolved. The Nordplus network has accelerated the development of training opportunities for peer support workers in several countries. We are now engaged in a new project aimed at creating a network for those involved in the education and training of peer support workers across the Nordic and Baltic countries.

Project goals

Participant level:

  • Create new training/educational materials for peer support workers
  • To share Insight in strategies to develop training and labour market for peer support workers
  • Further develop a network for this field
  • Partners using their specific knowledge and expertise to help other partners with issues like research on Peer Support, and improving Peer Support Workers education/training

Organization level:

  • Common understandings of topics from education/training
  • Common understandings of guidelines for Peer Support Workers
  • Employment and Peer Support Workers
  • Working tasks and roles in the system

Sector level:

  • Expanding the understanding and possibilities for Peer Support in education and health services from Nordic and Baltic perspective
  • Overview of how far have each country has come and how it can be improved

Parts of this text was translated from Norwegian with help from an AI-tool

Pilot – education for Peer Support Workers in prison

Project Period: 2024-2025
Collaboration with Romerike Prison, Ullersmo Unit

Peer Support Workers in the Correctional System

In the fall of 2024, KBT Vocational College and Romerike Prison, Ullersmo Unit, launched a pilot program to train peer support workers within the prison. Six inmates have been admitted as students in this pilot. The precursor was an 8-week introductory course organized by Ullersmo Prison, where KBT Vocational College provided academic support.

Adaptations for Education in a High-Security Prison

The students at Ullersmo follow the same curriculum as the other students in the peer support worker program, but with a delay. Instead of participating «live» in Zoom lectures, they watch recordings afterward. Fifty percent of the education consists of practical training, and the experiences gained regarding how this can be implemented for students in prison will be important after this pilot.

Although much has been planned in advance, adjustments need to be made throughout such a pilot. If the pilot proves successful, a study program for other prisons in Norway may eventually be developed.

Read also the news article from the start of the studies at Ullersmo: How can we train peer support workers while they are serving time in high-security prison? – KBT Fagskole

This article was translated from Norwegian with an AI-tool from openai

POMEIL – Promotion of Migrant Entrepreneurship and Integration in the European Labor market

Project period: 2024.09.01. – 2026.08.31
Partner organizations:  Innovation Circle Network (Norway), InnovED (Greece), SMARTS (Greece), MMC (Poland) and USF (Estonia)
Project workers from KBT Vocational College: Karl Johan Johansen, Ingvild M. Kvisle and Silje Jørgensen

The project is financed by Erasmus+. Project code: 2024-1-NO01-KA220-ADU-000244470


POMEIL identifies challenges faced by immigrants and refugees in accessing the labour market of their host countries and thus their overall socioeconomic integration. The project aims to upskill and reskill immigrants and refugees, by enhancing their entrepreneurial and cross-cultural competencies. The project will have a particular focus on Ukrainian refugees.

During the project we will do focus group interviews, make a copetance map, develop a training package and a digital escaperoom.

Objectives of POMEIL

O1: Enhance entrepreneurial & cross-cultural skills of immigrants/refugees through digital game-& simulation-based personalized learning.

O2: Comprehensive competence map, aligning with EntreComp framework (The European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework).

O3: Empower adult educators in utilizing digital pedagogical methods.

O4: Build intercultural capacity in adult educators.

O5: Replicable digital assessment & teaching methods for adult educators.

O6: Develop extensive stakeholder network of relevant stakeholders.

Target groups of POMEIL

  • Immigrants and refugees, with a special focus on Ukrainian refugees.
  • Adult learners of immigrant backgrounds.
  • Adult educators and staff.
  • Organizations and associations in the fields of adult education, vocational and technical education, immigrant support and integration, refugee communities.

In addition there are some indirect target groups, such as organizations in similar fields and policymakers.

Logo Erasmus +

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

KIPS Young – Life skills for youth

In KIPS Young, we will develop a digital video service for youth with mental health challenges. The project is a “spin-off” of the project KIPS – a course in practical stress management for adults. The digital course has been named #Livet («#Life»).

Project goal: Provide effective mental health support to young people when they need it and where they are, without having to deal with waiting lists, limitations in municipal services, or rejections.

Low-threshold service for youth aged 13-16

Building on the success of KIPS for adults, we will now develop «KIPS UNG» – a low-threshold learning and informational program in video format, tailored to youth aged 13-16. The program is based on a metacognitive approach (MCT), the same effective, evidence-based psychological approach as KIPS for adults, and will be offered with follow-up by a school nurse or general practitioner.

«KIPS UNG» is designed to reach individuals at an earlier stage in life who experience mild to moderate mental health challenges. It is essential to ensure easy access and good help early on to prevent the escalation of mental health problems as they transition into adulthood.

New data from NAV shows that the medically certified sick leave due to mental health issues increased in the first half of 2024 (NAV, 2024). The increase is greatest among young people, and a full 30% of sick leave for 25-29-year-olds was due to mental health disorders.

The project’s goal is for young people in Norway to receive good help when they need it and where they are, without having to deal with waiting lists, limitations in municipal services, or rejections from healthcare providers.

Normalization of Everyday Psychological Challenges

Like its predecessor, KIPS for adults, KIPS UNG focuses on normalizing everyday psychological challenges. The video program aims to teach young people, in an engaging way, more about what happens in the body and mind when we try to cope with problems by dwelling on the past, stressing in daily life, and worrying about the future. Throughout the program, they will learn how to make more conscious decisions about what they can safely spend less time, effort, and attention on in life: what to prioritize, and what to practice letting go of.

The video program will cover topics such as why we react the way we do, what happens in the body, the psychological foundation: food/nutrition, sleep, activity, and social interaction, as well as specific issues like anxiety, low self-esteem, school refusal, and bullying, among others.

The Psychological Approach: Metacognitive Approach

A common feature of mental health disorders is the feeling of little control over one’s own thoughts. Many experience a loss of control, becoming stuck in a negative thought pattern. «KIPS UNG» is based on a metacognitive approach, which involves learning to break free from entrenched negative thoughts.

In the metacognitive approach, one learns to change the way they relate to difficult thoughts so that they don’t last longer than necessary. The approach teaches individuals to shift their focus and reduce the burden negative thoughts place on them. As human beings, we cannot control the thoughts that arise in us, but we can choose how we respond to those thoughts. By allowing thoughts to pass by more easily, we spend less time and energy dwelling on things that are not helpful.

Metacognitive therapy is a newer branch of psychology that is gaining traction. It is based on theories developed by Adrian Wells, a British psychologist and professor.

What will we do in KIPS UNG?

Together with the Council for Mental Health, Stjørdal municipality, and Mindblown, we will begin developing the service in August 2024. Scripts will be written for the videos, recordings will take place in studios and on location, testing and editing will be done, and a finished prototype is expected within a year. Extensive dialogue and testing with youth from various schools in the Værnes region will ensure the service is as tailored as possible.

The History of KIPS

In 2020, the mental health and addiction unit in Stjørdal observed challenges in the low-threshold service «Rask Psykisk Helsehjelp» (Quick Mental Health Help) in the municipality. As more and more people experienced mental health issues, waiting lists for the service grew. There was a need for a more effective psychological approach to help patients with mild to moderate mental health issues return to normal faster while also streamlining the work of the unit.

In collaboration with metacognitive therapist and author Geir Wigtil, a physical course in practical stress management (KIPS) was developed for the unit. The unit’s course leader was trained to deliver the course in person to patients. The physical KIPS was tested over 1.5 years and showed that patients’ recovery time was reduced by over 30% compared to previous one-on-one cognitive therapy in the unit.

With the successful results of physical KIPS, the idea arose to create a digital course that could help even more people and would also be suitable for municipalities without low-threshold services like Rask Psykisk Helsehjelp. This marked the beginning of the development of KIPS digital.

KIPS digital has been a great success in the pilot municipality of Stjørdal. The digital course provides the municipality with great flexibility in their work and enables them to take in more patients than before. It has proven to be a much more efficient way to work, particularly given the psychological approach used. The course also offers great flexibility for patients, allowing them to take the course at their own time and place, without needing to travel for participation. This is especially important for those with demanding jobs, such as in healthcare and education. The pilot municipality reports that most people who take the course do not need follow-up after completing it.

What impact could «KIPS Young» have?

«KIPS UNG» is a low-threshold service aimed at providing young people with the help they need at an early stage to prevent the escalation of mental health challenges over time. Given that mental health disorders are the most expensive illnesses, largely because they often begin so early in life (Jakobsen, S. Research), this service could reach young people at a crucial point in their lives. The metacognitive, evidence-based approach is unique for this target group, and the program allows for anonymity for participants. The service can be used at their own time and place, is free for participants, and includes follow-up by a school nurse or general practitioner.

The expected effects of the project will primarily be that more young people with everyday psychological challenges will be reached through digitalization and receive help at an early stage. Youth will be informed about the service through schools. This way, young people will have access to support if they are currently experiencing mental health challenges or will know about the service should they encounter challenges later on.

The use of the video program may eventually lead to fewer referrals to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (BUP), resulting in reduced waiting lists and less strain on the healthcare system. This will free up capacity for those with more severe conditions. «KIPS Young» could reduce the burden on individuals and their families and, not least, save significant costs for society in the long run.


Nav. (2024, 30. mai). Sykefravær grunnet psykiske lidelser øker.

Jakobsen, Siw Ellen. Spilde, Ingrid (2023, 9. juni). Samfunnet bruker stadig mer penger på psykisk helse. Hvorfor blir vi ikke friskere?

Photo of Karl Johan Johansen and Ida Myran

Project leader: Karl Johan Johansen
Project developer: Ida Myran
Project period:  1.8.2024-30.9.2025

Funding: Stiftelsen Dam through Rådet for psykisk helse. 1,5 million NOK over two years.

Logo - Stiftelsen Dam
Logo - Rådet for psykisk helse

Logo Mindblown
Logo - Stjørdal kommune

This text was translated from Norwegian with help from the AI-tool chatgpt.

SING – Interreg project

Project name: SING – Synergos innom nordens gröna bälte (synergies within he green belt of the north)
Project period: 01.01.2024 – 31.12.2026
Partner organization:  Coompanion
Project workers from KBT Vocational College: Preben Hegland, Karl Johan Johansen, Roger Santokhie and Silje Jørgensen

The project is funded through the Interreg Sweden-Norway program and the European Union: the European Regional Development Fund. In addition, Trøndelag County Municipality has contributed co-financing.

Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Mid-Norway and Mid-Norrland

The goal of SING is to improve sustainable growth and competitiveness for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to create new jobs in such companies. The project will work to strengthen the entrepreneurial knowledge and abilities of entrepreneurs in the border region, particularly focusing on sparsely populated areas on both sides of the border. How can those living in the area benefit from each other across the border?

Both KBT Vocational College and Coompanion work on issues related to social entrepreneurship. By collaborating, Norwegian and Swedish environments can discover new solutions for knowledge transfer and cooperation between individuals and organizations within social entrepreneurship. This can lead to increased competitiveness and innovation capacity among SMEs in the region.

Joint Digital Learning Program and Networking

In SING, we aim to develop a digital learning program, facilitate networking, and enhance skills in social entrepreneurship for SMEs. We will disseminate and increase knowledge about business models tailored to social entrepreneurship.

The main goal of the project is to create a support structure that promotes and strengthens social entrepreneurship whose ideas are based on sustainability and social benefit. The project will contribute to a smarter border region with increased competitiveness and innovation capacity for established SMEs and individuals. We will achieve this through:

  • Smart and inspiring solutions for knowledge exchange
  • Collaboration
  • Learning between individuals and organizations within social entrepreneurship

The idea is to help develop new business ideas that increase the resilience of companies in the border region of Trøndelag and Mid-Norrland. Through cross-border cooperation and the exchange of expertise between people and organizations within social entrepreneurship, the project can help develop and adapt tested methods with mutual learning to promote ideas/initiatives for resilient communities in the border area of Trøndelag and Mid-Norrland.

What do we aim to achieve in SING?

The project will work towards several outcome goals, which will have both short- and long-term effects.

Outcome Goal 1: Customized Learning System Across Borders

  • Coompanion and KBT Vocational College coordinate and create a series of capacity-building learning programs tailored to common societal challenges.
  • Materials produced in both Norwegian and Swedish.
  • Developed methodology for mutual learning between social entrepreneurs for locally-led development and promotion of social entrepreneurship across the border.
  • The learning programs increase entrepreneurs’ ability to take the next step in starting sustainable businesses and enhance established companies’ ability to develop new socially beneficial ideas. This can lead to increased entrepreneurship, greater diversity in the business community, and more individuals from underrepresented groups starting, running, and working in businesses.

Outcome Goal 2: Build Sectoral and Cross-Sector Networks Among Companies in the Border Region

KBT Vocational College and Coompanion coordinate and facilitate knowledge-raising events where decision-makers participate and identify common societal challenges that can be alleviated or solved through entrepreneurship and politically anchored strategies/action plans.

Outcome Goal 3: Develop and Validate a Digital Learning Program for Social Entrepreneurs

Here, we envision a hub across the border that facilitates learning programs modeled after the Social Enterprise Academy in Sweden and Scotland, where we have already established a collaboration.

The project is funded through the Interreg Sweden-Norway program and the European Union: the European Regional Development Fund. In addition, Trøndelag County Municipality has contributed co-financing.

This text was translated from Norwegian with help from the AI-tool chatgpt.

Peer support workers in dementia care

Relatives of people with dementia acquire a unique competence that is difficult to obtain elsewhere.

In this pilot project, we have involved peer support workers in dementia care. In the municipalities of Indre Fosen and Frøya, a total of four peer support workers were employed, focusing on the youngest group of people with dementia.

The project is based on the Norwegian Directorate of Health’s initiative «What matters to you», which emphasizes that services should be shaped according to the users’ needs.

The pilot project is funded by the County Governor of Trøndelag and the Norwegian Directorate of Health. The pilot project started at the Competence Center for Lived Experience and Service Development and was later continued by KBT Vocational College. Originally, the funding lasted until autumn 2022. In 2023, the pilot project continued with funding from the County Governor of Trøndelag for innovation and renewal. The pilot project will continue in 2024, also with funding from the County Governor.

Vision: Peer support workers are employed in home-based services in all municipalities in Norway.

This text was translated from Norwegian with the AI-tool chatgpt.

CHIME 2.0. Recovery-oriented Training Courses

Karl Johan Johansen (projectleader)
Anne Hirrich (projectcoordinator, on projectleave 1.12.2023-30.11.2024)
Yvonne Vornes (peer support worker)
Ottar Ness (NTNU)
Mary Leamy (King`s College)

Duration: 2023-2025

About CHIME 2.0

The project builds on the pilot project CHIME 1.0. The pilot examined challenges and drivers related to the implementation of recovery-oriented practices in health and welfare services in Norway. We identified significant variations in how service providers and leaders work with personal and/or clinical recovery and how they emphasize experiential expertise in working with service recipients.

The background for CHIME 2.0 is therefore the identified need to develop recovery-oriented mental health and addiction services in Norwegian municipalities, particularly based on the service recipient’s terms. Furthermore, there is a need to clarify how changes in knowledge, skills, and attitudes among all involved in service development should occur.

Developing Recovery-oriented Courses

In the CHIME 2.0 project, we will develop and deliver recovery-oriented training courses for service leaders and employees in municipal mental health and addiction services together with four Norwegian municipalities.

The goal is that the courses will be continued by the participating municipalities’ own employees and local volunteers, and to establish a digital training offering through KBT Vocational College. The training will address how practical recovery work can be organized, applied, and carried out in services.

Project Goals and Expectations

The project aims to:

  • Enhance the quality of life for recipients of municipal mental health and addiction services by ensuring that the services:
    • Work recovery-oriented
    • Involve service recipients so that their strengths, needs, personal values, and goals are identified and emphasized
  • Support leaders and employees in municipal mental health and addiction services to:
    • Implement a recovery vision
    • Create engagement and culture across their services
    • Strengthen the practical skills and knowledge of employees within personal recovery to ensure good offers to the service recipient

What can CHIME 2.0 contribute to?

We have several expectations and thoughts on what CHIME 2.0 can contribute to and lead to:

  1. Strengthening a recovery-oriented service design on the user’s terms.
  2. Enhanced co-creation between service receivers and providers in learning processes about personal recovery.
  3. That more municipalities gain access to the training courses eventually.
  4. That voluntary user and family organizations gain access to the training courses.
  5. A systematic implementation of recovery-oriented practices and routines in services.
  6. Strengthened cooperation between services on the user’s terms.
  7. Collaborative relationships and a common recovery orientation between service providers and leaders.
  8. Improved knowledge, skills, and attitudes within personal recovery for health personnel.
  9. That participant municipalities continue the training courses after the project is completed.
  10. That the training courses are developed as educational offerings at KBT Fagskole.

Project partners

The project is a collaboration between KBT Vocational College, the Council for Mental Health, King’s College, and NTNU.

Logo - Rådet for psykisk helse
Logo - King's College London
Logo -NTNU institutt for livslang læring

Municipalities of Bærum, Sandnes, Tromsø, and Trondheim offer various recovery-oriented mental health and addiction services and are motivated to further develop and systematize this offering. They are the four participating municipalities of the project.

Implementation of the Project

The training courses are developed in collaboration with service recipients, providers, and leaders in mental health and addiction services in the participating municipalities.

By services, we mean municipal businesses, units, or organizations that offer activities and measures within substance abuse and mental health assistance. Service recipients are, for example, users, participants, or patients of the services, or residents who receive municipal substance abuse and mental health assistance.

Service providers are municipal employees in the services such as experience consultants/coworkers, environmental and social workers, and healthcare personnel. Service leaders are municipal leaders in the services, for example, department and unit managers.

Progress of the Project

The project is conducted with 9 activities spread across 4 phases. In phases 1 and 2, we gather and analyze feedback, reflections, and input from service recipients, providers, and leaders. We will also develop and carry out a pilot of the training course.

In phase 3, we will conduct training courses in the remaining participant municipalities. In phase 4, we will work on the evaluation of the training courses as well as the continuation and dissemination of the training offer.

The 9 activities consist of the following:

  • Mapping meetings with service leaders and the expert and advisory group
  • Individual in-depth conversations with service recipients and providers
  • Discussion meetings with service recipients and providers
  • Collaboration workshops with project participants
  • Closing events with project participants
  • Pilot and completion of training courses
  • Recovery-oriented training courses for service providers and leaders
  • Follow-up meetings with service leaders and the expert and advisory group
  • Continuation and digitalization of training offerings

The project is supported by the Dam Foundation

Logo - Stiftelsen Dam

This is a translation of Norwegian information about the CHIME project. The translation was done using AI technology. Before publication, the text was read over and some corrections were made.

MERSE (Interreg NPA)

Logo Interreg NPA - MERSE. Co-funded by the European Union.

Interregional project on rural Social Entrepreneurship

KBT Vocational college are participating in an Intereeg NPA project, MERSE (“Business Models Empowering Rural Social Entrepreneurship – voicing the rural norm”)
Responsible at KBT Fagskole: Karl Johan and Sara Westrum
Duration: 2023-2026

Making it easier to start Social Entrepreneurship in rural areas

To build strong local communities, we need to build on the experiences and expertice of the locals. Public services can provide a lot but not everything. Social entrepreneurs who know their community and understand its needs can create services that complement public offerings. We will study the differences and similarities in rural social entrepreneurship in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and Ireland.

The driving force behind social entrepreneurs is the desire to make a difference in society and contribute to local community development. MERSE aims to facilitate the start-up and development of social enterprises in rural areas.

MERSE stands for «Business Models Empowering Rural Social Entrepreneurship – voicing the rural norm.» The project will develop simple, useful tools to create social enterprises in sparsely populated areas.

How can we encourage more Social Entrepreneurship in rural communities?

The pilot study, BERSE, explored how social entrepreneurship could be explored and stimulated in rural areas. MERSE continues on the same theme, focusing on the opportunities for youth and women to become involved as social entrepreneurs.

Project Leader for MERSE is Yvonne von Friedrichs, a professor at Mittuniversitetet. She states,

“When community functions are centralised, they often disappear from more peripheral parts of a region. This is when local initiatives can create opportunities for especially young people and women to stay in the countryside as entrepreneurs, or for those who have moved away to return, so providing support around starting a rural enterprise can be crucial in enabling them to move back.”

Comparing Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, and Norway

The transnational collaboration between Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and Ireland allows researchers to exchange and compare knowledge and experiences. Through this collaboration, we aim to develop knowledge that facilitates social entrepreneurship in sparsely populated areas. This knowledge should lead to better opportunities for people who want to develop sustainable businesses and services, making it easier to live and work in rural areas.

Collaboration Until 2026

The project began on July 1, 2023, and will continue until June 31, 2026. Pelle Persson, from one of the project partners, says, «We want to learn from each other and are convinced that it is possible to find new solutions to old challenges. By involving social entrepreneurs, civil society, business advisers and academics in the different countries, we will get a broad knowledge base to be able to identify ‘best practice’ in how to support this industry”

Project Participants

MERSE has the following project partners:

MERSE is financed by the EU and the Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme (NPA).

Logo - MERSE

This is a translation on information of the MERSE-project in Norwegian. The translation was done using AI technology. Before publication, the text was read over and some corrections were made.

Erasmus+ | SEKEHE – Structural Embedding of Knowledge by Experience in Higher Education through process of co-creation

SEKEHE is short for Structural Embedding of Knowledge by Experience in Higher Education through process of co-creation.

The project is financed by Erasmus+, and is a collaboration between educational institutions from Belgium, Italy, Norway and the Czech Republic. The represents from KBT Vocational School in this project, is Karl Johan Johansen og Vebjørn Ørsjødal.

Logo Erasmus +

Project goals

SEKEHE runs over three years. The main goal of the project, is to include user experience as a support of students in higher education. Over the next three years, we will be working with the following:

  • Develop and facilitate co-learning activities by user experts (from higher education) and systematically incorporate their knowledge into the curriculum
  • Promote learning environment by creating formats to support experts by experience and teachers for current students in vulnerable situations
  • Develop local and transnational methodological/frameworks for systematically embedding user experience in higher education

News from SEKEHE

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Logo Erasmus +