This fall we got the message that KBT Vocational School and our partners got financial funding for our Erasmus+ project Smart Business For All. This project aims to give migrants tools to start their own businesses in their new country. In addition, we hope this could be a useful tool for other marginalized groups, such as persons with mental health and/or addiction problems. We will achieve our goals, by:
- Executing case studies of immigrants needs for training and facilitation
- Developing an e-learning program for immigrant entrepreneurs
- Developing a web-based resource bank
- Creating a Career KIT to facilitate immigrant start-ups
- Quality management and evaluation of activities and results
Partners in the project
The team in this project consists of organizations from Central Greece, Spain, Germany, Poland and Norway:
- KBT vocational School (Norway)
- Prios (Norway)
- InnovED (Greece)
- Startup Migrants (Germany/Norway)
- Clictic (Spain)
- Stowarzyszenie EURO LIDER (Poland)
- MEUS (Spain)
Already we have had two project meetings, and are now working with the formalities and main frames for the project.
As a part of the project, we will conduct case studies from each country that are representet in the project. We’re curious to find out what similarities and differences there can be around what kind of needs marginalized groups in different countries have. This work begins early in 2022.
Each partner in the project have different main tasks, and we are exited to see what we can achieve together by the end of the project in 2023.
Empowerment of the vulnerable
With this project we want to create tools that can empower humans in a vulnerable situation. KBT Vocational School builds on a Recovery oriented mindset. According to the CHIME model, Empowerment is a factor in what gives people a meaningful life. Therefore this project is right in our alley.
We also want to promote the entrepreneurial spirit, social inclusion, opportunity for profit and better living standards and more. We know that many migrants and other in marginalized groups have enormous resources, that may in some way be hard to see for their (new) neighbours. Language, culture and social stigma may be factors that make it difficult to discover. With this project we hope we can break down some of this barriers.
Background of the project
The initiator of this project, is the Center for Education and Innovation in Greece. They’ve had an leading role in creating the application for this project. Now that we got the financial fundings for the project, KBT Vocational School will be the leading partner during the project.
The project started as an initiative from InnoveED in Greece. Greece is the country in Europe that has the greatest challenges with immigrants and refugees. We have gradually been building up a partnership, and after a while we decided to apply for this project together.
We are a strong team, and we aim to find some exciting and innovative solutions together.