SEKEHE is short for Structural Embedding of Knowledge by Experience in Higher Education through process of co-creation.
The project is financed by Erasmus+, and is a collaboration between educational institutions from Belgium, Italy, Norway and the Czech Republic. The represents from KBT Vocational School in this project, is Karl Johan Johansen og Vebjørn Ørsjødal.

Project goals
SEKEHE runs over three years. The main goal of the project, is to include user experience as a support of students in higher education. Over the next three years, we will be working with the following:
- Develop and facilitate co-learning activities by user experts (from higher education) and systematically incorporate their knowledge into the curriculum
- Promote learning environment by creating formats to support experts by experience and teachers for current students in vulnerable situations
- Develop local and transnational methodological/frameworks for systematically embedding user experience in higher education
Project partners
- University of Ostrava (the Czech Republic)
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts, HOGENT (Belgium)
- Universiteit Gent (Belgium)
- Universita’ Delgi Studi Di Milano-Biococca (Italy)
- Norges Tekniske Naturvitenskapelige unviersitet – NTNU (Norway)
- KBT Fagskole (Norway)