Social entrepreneurship focuses on solving societal problems and working with social improvements, by developing and implementing innovative and sustainable business models. Social entrepreneurs work in a way similar to regular businesses, but aim to create social value, and not just financial profit.
Social entrepreneurship can be both ideal and commercial. It can take many forms, ranging from establishing social enterprises, to running intrapreneurship in existing organisations, or collaborating with others to create a greater positive impact in society.
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About the study program
This education gives 60 study credits, and is approved by NOKUT (the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education). The students may take this education over 1 or 2 year.
The education in social entrepreneurship contains of half teoretical and half practical subjects. The theory gives them tools and knowledge important for a social entrepreneur, such as what social needs there is in the society. Regarding the practical subjects, they will first have a internship with a social entrepreneur or similiar. In the last semester, they will work with their own project.
As all of our study programs, the lectures will be streamed over Zoom, and it is therefore possible to take the education from all over the country. If the students live in Trønderlag, they may follow the lectures from our class room as well. KBT Vocational College cooperates with Prios in Steinkjer, and students can use their facilities if they live close by.